Tag Archives: Wladyslaw Lizon

#Harper’s 33 #cdnpoli Vulnerable #CPC #Tory Targets

33 Vulnerable Tory Targets

Dispersed, disorganized, and focused on mixed concerns, veterans make a weak political demographic. Due to the variety of challenges veterans face, and unlike the general public, are rarely politically apathetic.  The primary strength of veterans is a willingness to vote.  Most veterans that I have spoken to ensure they vote in federal and other elections but veterans cannot be labeled as politically powerful – unless we take advantage of the politically weak.

The current government has taken advantage of the fractured and disjointed nature of veterans.  With the exceptions of the SISIP and EQUITAS sponsored lawsuits the government has been very effective in blunting veteran concerns.  Using paid media spots and “Stakeholder” consultations to validate their choices, the government of the day has been successful at frustrating veteran efforts to bring about meaningful change. The Tory majority government has steamrolled over veteran concerns.

The shoe is now on the other foot.  The Hill Times has provided a list of 33 vulnerable Tory targets who won their riding by less than 10%.  The Tory majority is vulnerable and veterans need to take advantage of this opportunity.

Veterans do have powerful allies.  Matthew Good is concerned with suicides and PTSD.  Rick Mercer is unrelenting in his criticism of how veterans are “kicked to the curb”.  There are other high profile persons that support us.  Contact them and ask them to step forward and publicly chastise the government for their failures.

Our weakness of being geographically dispersed is a hidden strength: we can have our voices heard across the country – especially in the ridings of the vulnerable 33.  Active veterans can contribute to the political “death by a thousand cuts” of the Tory politicians. Simply put, inform the public of the variety of challenges that veterans face.  Individual veterans can (and should) make their voices heard in the both the traditional and non-traditional media throughout 2014.

Below, arranged alphabetically by last name, is a list of the 33 vulnerable.  Speak publically and make an appearance on radio or TV.  If you have a face made for radio and a voice designed for duck calls I suggest blogging, editorials, letter writing or “information pickets” outside the MPs office.

2014 is the time for individuals to put pressure on these 33 vulnerable Tories.

Targets up!

Eve Adams (Mississauga-Brampton South, ON.)
Chris Alexander (Ajax-Pickering, ON.)
Stella Ambler (Mississauga South, ON.)
Jay Aspin (Nipissing-Timiskaming, ON.)
Joyce Bateman (Winnipeg South Centre, MN.)
Kelly Block (Saskatoon-Rosetown-Biggar, SK.)
Ray Boughen (Palliser, SK.)
Brad Butt (Mississauga-Streetsville, ON.)
Peter Braid (Kitchener-Waterloo, ON.)
John Carmichael (Don Valley West, ON.)
Corneliu Chisu (Pickering-Scarborough East, ON.)
Rob Clark (Desnethé-Missinippi-Churchill River, SK.)
Joe Daniel (Don Valley East, ON.)
John Duncan (Vancouver Island North, BC)
Royal Galipeau (Ottawa-Orléans, ON.)
Robert Goguen (Moncton-Riverview-Dieppe, NB)
Bal Gosal (Bramalea-Gore-Malton, ON.)
Jacques Gourde (Lotbinière-Chutes-de-la-Chaudière, QU.)
Bryan Hayes (Sault Ste. Marie, ON.)
Roxanne James (Scarborough Centre, ON)
Gerald Keddy (South Shore-St. Margaret’s,NS)
Chungsen Leung (Willowdale, ON)
Wladyslaw Lizon (Mississauga East-Cooksville, ON)
James Lunney (Nanaimo-Alberni, BC)
Costas Menegakis (Richmond Hill, ON)
Joe Oliver (Eglinton-Lawrence, ON)
Ted Opitz (Etobicoke Centre, ON)
Lawrence Toet (Elmwood-Transcona, MN)
Susan Truppe (London North Centre, ON)
Bernard Trottier (Etobicoke Lakeshore, ON)
Bernard Valcourt (Madawaska-Restigouche, NB)
Wai Young (Vancouver South, BC)

Originally posted on Veteran Watch by David T. MacLeod at Tuesday, 10 December 2013 at 12:26

“We do not believe any group of men adequate enough or wise enough to operate without scrutiny or without criticism. We know that the only way to avoid error is to detect it, that the only way to detect it is to be free to enquire. We know that the wages of secrecy are corruption. We know that in secrecy error, undetected, will flourish and subvert.” ~ Julius Robert Oppenheimer

continue reading source: http://veteranwatch.blogspot.ca/2013/12/33-vulnerable-tory-targets.html

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This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. and intend its use to be for education and instructional purposes only. Therefore, we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond “fair use,” you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

ShareAlike Statement: https://dumpharper.wordpress.com/sharealike/

The Bear Cat’s musings: Canada: Democracy under siege

What does Stephen Harper think of Elections Canada? In 2001 he called them “Jackasses”.As in “The jackasses at Elections Canada are out of control.”

Well it appears the Jackasses are still out of control, but they aren’t in Elections Canada, they are in the Stephen Harper Party.

Canada was a bastion of freedom, a place for the world to look for inspiration. Sadly that is no longer true.

It took a long time for us to evolve from settling electoral campaigns with fist fights to buying votes with bottles of whiskey to our recent system of campaigning to present the reasons why one should vote for this candidate rather than that candidate.

No, while we were sending our ships and planes and foot soldiers to places across this world to free other countries from oppressive regimes we had an oppressive regime forming right here.

Harper said it himself, I’m in charge, I make the rules. And when he doesn’t like the rules it is fine to walk all over them. But only Him and His people.

At the same time that Harper’s Omnibus Bill to put the bad guys in prison longer, to make Canada “safer” was being debated, the Harper Party was challenging the court’s ruling against them in the “In and Out” scandal. And what a penalty the Harper Party paid, some fines, and the ones that admitted guilt kept their comfy red velour seats in the Senate.

Not long ago, the opposition parties wanted the Harper Party staffers called before Committee to answer for issues that were being raised. No less a person than John Baird rose up and shouted that the staffers were not to be called but the Ministers who were in charge. He would not stand for bullying of staffers by the Opposition Members on the Committee, but now that the Harper Party wants a Liberal staffer called onto the carpet the story changes.

Dean Del Mastro says that if the Liberals wanted then they should be willing to allow it now. I say stuff it in your hat Dean Del Mastro. Baird set the precedent, you live with it. Or does Dean Del Mastro advocate two sets of rules for Canada? One for the Harperistas and one for the rest?

In 2001 Stephen Harper warned that the Internet should not be infringed on by government and that the free flow of information was essential to Canada. His infringement of the Internet got booted to Committee in record time, likely because Vic Toews called Canadians paedophiles rather that it just being a bad law.

Ask the prairie wheat growers about Harper’s stance on democracy. They had a constitution for the Canadian Wheat Board that required that the farmers vote to dissolve it if they so desired. Harper ignored that and wrote his new law that in effect breaks the old one.

Now we have Elections Canada investigating vote suppression that occurred during the last Federal Election, the “Robocall” scandal. Harassing phone calls to non-Harper Party supporters late at night or early in the morning or on the Sabbath designed to drive supporters of the other parties away from the polls and going as far as contacting people on Election Day to falsely inform them that their polling station had been moved. Was this an attempt to keep non-Harper Party voters from voting?

It certain looks like it to me.

When the issue was raised in the House of Commons, the Harper Party response was predictable to say the least. A staffer was sacrificed, thrown under the bus and the finger pointed at him. When he denied involvement the finger was pointed at the Liberals, accusing them of undermining their own campaign efforts and suggesting that the Liberals had hired a U.S. firm to make these calls while the Harper Party boasted that they had not used any U.S. firms.

Even though the Harper Party was shown to be “in error” over these “facts” they still maintain their story.

That is called lying.

And lying to the House of Commons is Contempt.

Our only hope at this time is that Elections Canada with the RCMP will be able to trace what the message of the calls was, and who caused those calls to be made. And whether they will have the freedom to investigate this scandal.

This investigation has grown from one or two constituencies to forty or more. There are complaints of harassing calls and fake Elections Canada messages directing people to the wrong or nonexistent Polling Stations and now even voting cards directing people to incorrect Polling Stations sent to addresses, but with no names on them.

Had Stephen Harper and His Party stood with the Opposition to decry the Robocall scandal and make efforts to get to the bottom of this and see that the guilty are held accountable they might have avoided much of the scandal. But their antics, blaming a rogue operative, blaming the Opposition, and now they’re even blaming Elections Canada. This is beyond belief.

The Harper Party is standing in Elections Canada way when they ask to see the actual receipts for election expenses. And now we are finding out that although the Harper Party candidate from Guelph apparently used Racknine’s robocall services in the election, they didn’t include any charges from Racknine in their expenses.

Apparently some candidates used Visa Cards and PayPal to pay Racknine for services and then reimbursing whoever paid the charge. This strikes me as odd. When I was in business we were billed directly and paid directly. Only incidentals were handled differently, small items through petty cash, but only with the receipt.

Calls to Racknine are showing up from MLA and MP constituency offices. Constituency offices are only to be used for government business and electioneering is not government business.

But what surprises me the most is that this story has was discovered by and driven by the staunch supporters of the Harper Party, the National Post.

The National Post says they know where the Robocall scandal ends, in the Stephen Harper Party computers, in the Constituency Information Management System database.

It seems the National Post is more interested in right and wrong than being on the right politically.

Where does Stephen Harper stand?

Well we got some late breaking news…. Seems that Stephen Harper has decided to join with the NDP and support the New Democrats’ proposal to enhance the power of Elections Canada to see documents and new rules governing Robocallers… But he is mentioning something about six months from now…

And it seems that around 2700 people in the riding or Eglinton-Lawrence showed up at polling stations without voter registration cards and filled out forms in order to vote, but [in violation of the Election Act] an unknown number left their current and previous addresses blank and others used false addresses… This is a riding where the Liberal candidate complained about harassing phone calls… and lost his riding by about 3000 votes… Go figure.

Maybe we need to start running our elections like the Third World countries who are trying to use Democratic means to oust Dictators and their regimes.

I’ll dip my finger after I vote, I just hope the ink isn’t blue.

  • Anon: Excellent Blog, Bear Cat. Keep nailing them with those claws of yours.

  • Anon: Very good Bear Cat! And we also have ‘politcal super weapons’ and the mysterious shenanigans going on in the 2010 Fantino by-election campaign, the second bank account and “the guy with the red goatee …who worked the computers”.Here is what we are left with. No one knows who the guy with the red goatee is who worked the computers alongside Stephen Lecce in the Fantino by-election campaign office, despite how popular red goatees are becoming. No one knows if there really were two bank accounts for the Julian Fantino by-election run. No one knows if the Fantino campaign did or didn’t lend surplus campaign funds to other Tory candidates, and if it did, if there is anything wrong with that.”

    Was a ‘political super-weapon’ part of Robogate? | iPolitics


  • Anon:As well as the Quebec “In and Out”….Meanwhile, Le Devoir has raised questions about whether the national campaign effectively transferred money “in and out” to local campaign accounts, not for advertising expenses, but for voter identification and mobilization purposes.The Quebec newspaper reported that at least two Conservative candidates in Quebec agreed to requests by the national campaign office to pay money to RMG — the Toronto-based Responsive Marketing Group — during the 2011 campaign but told the newspaper they did not know exactly what services were rendered for the money.We were a kind of mailbox for funding that,” Le Devoir quoted defeated Conservative candidate Bertin Denis, who lost to the NDP’s Guy Caron in the riding of Rimouski-Neigette-Témiscouata-Les Basques. “We had nothing to say on the operations of it. They didn’t call me, and nobody was called. I wasn’t part of a survey, nobody consulted me.”Denis said his riding had been targeted by Conservative Party headquarters as winnable, so the party agreed to spend more on it, putting some $55,000 into the campaign.”We didn’t pay (the contract with RMG)” he is quoted in Le Devoir. “The funding came from the national and we wrote a cheque.”

    His official agent Ghislain Pelletier confirmed to Le Devoir that we were strongly advised to take it.”

    Pelletier said the Conservative Party “sent us the bill and I paid it on the recommendation of the party.”

    Asked if the party or RMG supplied the local campaign with the results of the calls, Pelletier, a trained accountant, said: “Absolutely nothing, ma’am. If I were in a private business, I would have demanded a report.”

    Robocalls: Elections Canada expands probe into fraudulent messages in 2011…

    Elections Canada refers voters to online form to report concerns about misleading phone calls in the 2011 federal election.

  • Anon: What about in-and-out for robocalls in Guelph?

  • Anon: Re: the Fantino campaign article Who are these people?” Stephen Lecce, volunteer co-ordinator Madi Murariu and “a large man with a reddish goatee”.

  • Anon: “A staffer in the Prime Minister’s Office has gone from being a registered lobbyist to working for the Prime Minister and being lobbied on the same subject he once pushed, a practice one advocacy group says is worrisome because of potential conflicts of interest that could arise. ”

    Lecce takes leave from PMO to work on Fantino’s byelection bid | hilltimes.com

    Canada’s Politics and Government Newsweekly

  • Anon: good work. we need an “unwanted” picture gallery/album for all the neo-con operatives and bag men/women.

  • Anon: That’s an excellent idea Anon. A bit of a “rogues gallery” of all the people involved and associated with the Robocon. The Dump Harper WordPress site may be a good place for it. https://dumpharper.wordpress.com/2012/02/25/enough/
    Had Enough?

    Welcome to the Dump Harper weblog brought to you by the Canadians Against the Harper Regime (CAHR)

  • Anon: From the Fantino campaign article linked above:”No one knows who the guy with the red goatee is who worked the computers alongside Stephen Lecce in the Fantino by-election campaign office…”Well… Stephen Lecce must know. Anyone asked him? Madi Murariu must know. Anyone asked him? And the “EDA member responsible for obtaining signatures for Mr. Fantino’s nomination papers for the by-election”, the woman who sent the affidavit to Elections Canada mentioning the mysterious computer guy with the red goatee, might subsequently have recognized this person from recently pictures published pictures. Anyone asked her? And Julian Fantino must know along with numerous others involved in the campaign.

  • Anon: Is this Madi? Check out her “Likes”.

    Madi Murariu

    University of Ottawa
    Parliament of Canada

  • Anon: Stephen Lecce from PMO from Macleans January 29, 2010 article ‘Hill Helps Haiti fundraiser packed’

    “Folks from all parties packed the Hill Helps Haiti fundraiser organized by the government relations firm Summa Strategies. The event raised over $32,000. Below, Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq (left) and Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Gail Shea.”


  • Anon: So do I have this right? This guy who is the deputy director of communications for the PMO and who is in everyday direct contact with the PM, gets leave to go work on the Fantino campaign in 2010 where he turns up working in some “private office” with the mysterious red goatee computer guy. Other influential campaign workers (one’s that were concerned the campaign may be violating Election Canada laws) didn’t know what they were doing in there.Was the alleged second bank account paying for whatever activities were being directed from that second private office.
    Thoughts anyone?

    Tandem – Online magazine

    Stephen Lecce with Prime Minister, Stephen Harper. At just 25 years of age, he is …

  • Anon: ElectRight – “According to the Fantino campaign filing for the 2011 general election, a Barrie company called Electright did his robocalling at a cost of $15,820. There was no claim for phone services in the 2010 by-election.”
    From their website: http://electright.ca/services.php
    “The key task of any campaign is identifying your supporters. ElectRight provides live campaign calling that has made the difference for numerous campaigns. As volunteers are in increasingly short supply, use ElectRight to make these critical calls for you.With our LIVE Customer Service Representatives, we will make thousands of calls to the voters in your riding and identify who they are supporting. Our CSRs, managed by seasoned political managers, will contact individuals utilizing customized scripts about your candidate. As each caller speaks English fluently, your message will be clearly communicated.The ElectRight Team will ensure that the data collected by our Live CSRs is compiled in specific fields to segment the information and returned in a format that is compatible with your database and software requirements.”

    FlectRight — Our Services


  • Anon: ‎”ElectRight – $11,300
    There’s got to be some website template that includes pre-written copy and stock photos for all of these “direct”/”live campaign call”/”virtual townhall”/”IVR” businesses that exist to only serve Conservative-leaning candidates across Canada. I know my torrented copy of Adobe Creative Suite doesn’t include it, so I’m at a loss. What I do know is that every internal poll of theirs I was able to obtain has Dean Del Mastro’s letterhead all over it (it takes up over half the page). Oh, and it wasn’t just this instance. However I’m curious about the Peterborough-Willowdale connection. Regardless, I’m printing out Dean Del Mastro’s letterhead because it could double as a life-size model of Parliament Hill.”

    Willowdale (GTA) I’ve been meaning to get into the GTA for a while now (other than my inexplicable obsession with Etobicoke Centre), but this time I’m looking at Willowdale, a former Liberal…


  • Anon:“Conservative MP Wladyslaw Lizon says he ran a clean campaign to win the Mississauga East-Cooksville riding last May.Lizon, who defeated former Ontario Labour Minister Peter Fonseca by 661 votes to earn the seat, flatly denies charges from the Liberals and NDP that put his riding on the list of 34 (so far) across the country where opposition parties charge callers working for Conservatives suppressed opposition votes by phoning or using robocalls to direct non-Conservative voters to incorrect polling stations.”My campaign was not involved in any harassing or misleading phone calls,” Lizon told The Mississauga News. “If there were calls, I was not involved — I ran a clean campaign.”Lizon said he did not use RMG, the polling company for which Conservative strategist Stewart Braddick worked. Workers at an Ottawa call centre have alleged they were directed by RMG to make misleading calls to non-Conservative votersLizon said the only polling company he used during his campaign was Electright.

    Lizon says he ran clean campaign


    Conservative MP Wladyslaw Lizon says he ran a clean campaign to win the Mississauga East-Cooksville…

  • Anon: more and more interesting.. the rats will soon be jumping ship..

  • Anon:‎”According to the official minutes of the meeting, there was no mention of Tracey Kent’s reservations – an alleged omission that also made its way into her affidavit and that of former EDA director Richard Larello.

    “Richard Larello??


    Richard T. Lorello

    Richard Lorello, an advocate for transparency at Vaughan Council. His efforts h…

  • Anon: Richard T. Lorello with Immigration Min. Jason Kenney

    Richard Lorello

    Richard with Immigration Min. Jason Kenney

  • Anon: Barrie Ont firm ElectRight used by Del Mastro (with parliamentary resources) to promote Ontaria resourcesPM aide Del Mastro apologizes for Ontario election poll – Sep 27, 2011″Dean Del Mastro, prime minister Stephen Harper’s parliamenta…

    PM aide Del Mastro apologizes for Ontario election
    poll | News | National Post

    Dean Del Mastro, prime minister Stephen Harper’s parliamentary secretary, apolog…

  • Anon: Federal Corporation Information ElectRight Inc.

    Corporations Canada – Online Filing Centre


  • Anon: http://www.scribd.com/doc/66538325/Release-Elect-Right-Poll

    Release – Elect Right Poll

    Scribd is the world’s largest social reading and publishing site.

  • Anon:From comments on this Barrie Examiner article on there Mayor election (2010? 2011?) regarding Brett McFarquhar the contact for Electright. The links this poster gives for this don’t work (even if you type in manually) or don’t take you to t…

  • Anon: Bear Cat- Apologies for adding all this info to your post. It probably seems like a lot disparate information unless you were in my head right now. 🙂 I was on a bit of role looking into this. I will probably move all this over to a document but I didn’t want to delete any of it in case others were following along.

  • Anon: Campaign Research Inc., Responsive Marketing Group, Crestview Strategies, Navigator Inc, RackNine and ElectRight are all in on this electoral fraud in my view.

  • Anon: Thanks Anon for the extra names. More research…:) I was trying to see if I could find a connection between ElectRight and RackNine and/or RMG. The information is very elusive and mostly leads to dead ends or 404 Page Not Found.

  • Anon: ‎Anon- I see you commenting over at Creekside from time to time – I like to follow what Allison has to say and love her sense of humor.

  • Anon: Honestly, Anon, I think that the National Campaign ensured that local campaigns had a list of conservative friendly service providers to use, who would deliver services without asking questions. ElectRight and RackNine are not turnkey, full service campaign marketing experts. RMG, Crestview and Campaign Research Inc are bigger fish. Also the bigger fish have connections to Preston Manning’s “Democracy Institute”.

  • Anon: Thanks!

  • Anon: See you at Creekside :-))

  • Anon: ‎:=))

  • Bear Cat: 1st @ Anon… no problem, the post is to try and make people think. I don’t have the answers, if you help light a fire undersome one we all win…

  • Bear Cat: 2nd @ Anon… Could it be as likely that the National Campaign contacted and contracted the various companies and then sent out “polling information” to the constituency offices along with an in and out cheque for $15,000.01? [I think that was the amount]

  • Anon: ‎$15000.01 is probably the maximum amount allowable.

  • Anon: Bear Cat, I have a couple of questions so please shoot me a message via fb, through the site or by email dumpharper@live.ca…

  • Anon: I did a little checking on crest view inc which is basically a company that you can contract to promote whatever BS you are trying to peddle to the public (regardless of whatever fancy rhetoric they may use to sell their ‘product’). The principals seem to hang with the media class providing ‘expert opinion’ etc. which is where you wanna be if you are in the business of promulgating BS and propaganda. 🙂 They are definitely connected to some powerful sources such as the NDI. I haven’t found the connection to Manning’s DI yet but I notice RMG advertising on what appears to be an insider magazine/newsletter they publish, ‘Campaigns and Elections’.So, the bigger fish such as crest view and all, use companies such as rack 9 and elect right as tools in their overall marketing strategies. These smaller fish do the dirtier grunt work of collecting data and narrowing targets that are to be attacked in line with the overall strategy. As well, these smaller fish are used to carry out the ‘dirty tricks’ such as robocalling.

  • Anon:I think you are right Bear Cat that it is likely the national party set this up in advance on recommendation of one, some or all of these marketing gurus. The contracts would have already been in place just a matter of how they were going to pay for them so as to avoid it being noticed, hence the in and out we see with the Quebec Cons. I am wondering if the $15,0000 dollar amounts (and there were several of them) were in ridings where the Cons knew they didn’t have a chance of winning and why we see this concentration of them in Quebec.http://crestviewstrategy.ca/team/

  • Anon: To elaborate on that last point, what I am pondering is if they spread out the cost of targeting a few key swing ridings across the board where only some ridings got the lion’s share of ‘benefit’ while most of the others were just contributing and got nothing for it. It of course, also hid the money from going through as an expense to the national party.

  • Anon: RMG definitely has the capacity to do data mining that lead to targeting 60+ voters. Bear Cat, I am feeling quite confident that whatever work was done by RMG was sent out or used to influence what local campaigns did.

  • Bear Cat: I think the NP is right, the answer is in the computer database in the Stephen Harper Party’s basement….
    Are political parties allowed to keep databases of other parties’ supporters?

  • Anon: Agree Anon, I was thinking seniors was a marketing tool. In the cons riding where I live the last vote was in a seniors home, when previously it has always been in a public school.
  • Anon: There is also a name, Tracey Kent, mentioned in the above comment related to former EDA director Richard Larello…

    Is this Tracey Kent ?


    Tracey Kent

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This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. and intend its use to be for education and instructional purposes only. Therefore, we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond “fair use,” you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

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