Tag Archives: Bernard Valcourt

Is #Harper’s #PMO using taxpayers $$$ to Solicit #cdnpoli Election Donations via Social Media? II

Update re: “Is ‪#‎Harper‬’s ‪#‎PMO‬ using taxpayers $$$ to Solicit ‪#‎cdnpoli Election Donations via Social Media?” via @FMPsportsguy status update here: https://pic.twitter.com/6StqbFpzhO. We also published a follow up summary between this update related to Harper’s Ministers titled “Are #Harper’s Ministers using taxpayers $$$ to Solicit #cdnpoli Election Donations via Social Media?” here: https://dumpharper.wordpress.com/2014/03/09/are-harpers-ministers-using-taxpayers-to-solicit-cdnpoli-election-donations-via-social-media/



@opHarper @jasonfekete good work, here is answer from ethics commisioner to regards to complaint #cdnpoli - (@FMPsportsguy) March 08, 2014

If you notice the inquiry by FMPsportsguy was specifically delivered to the “Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner” who then replied that the Treasury Board website would be the first point of inquiry. So it seems like it will be up to us to sift through the information that is contained on the Treasury Board website that was referenced above to see what applies. We also have to consider how this campaigning fits within the current Elections Act as well as Pierre Poilievre’s Fair Election Act. For now, here are the links to the page and the sections that seem to apply in this case. It is worth noting that in section n “Policy on the Use of Electronic Networks” was rescinded and replaced by “Policy on Acceptable Network and Device Use” updated 2014-03-06, these links will be posted below

Communications Policy of the Government of Canada

18. Internet and Electronic Communication

The Internet, social media tools and other means of electronic communication are powerful enablers for building and sustaining effective communication within institutions and with their clients across Canada and around the world.

An important tool for providing information and services to the public, the Internet facilitates interactive, two-way communication and feedback. It provides opportunities to reach and connect with Canadians wherever they reside, and to deliver personalized services.

Institutions must maintain an active presence on the Internet to enable 24-hour electronic access to public programs, services and information. E-mail and Web sites must be used to enable direct communications between Canadians and government institutions, and among public service managers and employees.

Institutions must advance Government of Canada on-line initiatives aimed at expanding the reach and quality of internal and external communications, improving service delivery, connecting and interacting with citizens, enhancing public access and fostering public dialogue.

Institutions must ensure that Internet communications conform to government policies and standards. Government of Canada themes and messages must be accurately reflected in electronic communications with the public and among employees.

To ensure congruence with other communication activities, an institution’s Web sites, sub-sites and portals must be reviewed regularly by the head of communications, or his or her designate, who oversees and advises on Web content and design.

Web site managers, at headquarters and in regional offices, must consult with communications staff on the editorial and visual content of Web pages, including design and presentation, to ensure publishing standards and other communication requirements are met.

Collaboration is also required between communications and information technology specialists to ensure effective planning and management of electronic information services. Managers and employees responsible for the operational and technical aspects of an institution’s Web-based systems work in consultation with communications staff who provide strategic advice on Web content and the use of technology for communication purposes. (Also see Web site references in Requirement 23, Advertising, Requirement 24, Partnering and Collaborative Arrangements, Requirement 26, Marketing and Requirement 27, Publishing.)

Institutions must:

  1. manage their Web sites and portals in accordance with the Treasury Board’s Standard on Web Accessibility and Standard on Web Usability;
  2. identify on-line information and services, including e-mail messages, in accordance with the Federal Identity Program Policy;
  3. ensure electronic communications conform to the requirements of the Official Languages Act and to the Treasury Board’s Policy on Official Languages, Directive on Official Languages for Communications and Services and Policy on the Use of Electronic Networks;
  4. be connected to the Government of Canada’s Internet and intranet portal sites, the Canada Site and Publiservice, managed by Service Canada;
  5. ensure that Internet-published information on policies, programs, services and initiatives is regularly updated, accurate, easy to understand, and accessible in multiple formats for persons with disabilities;
  6. ensure that printed material for public dissemination is published concurrently on the Internet;
  7. ensure that social media icons displayed on Government of Canada Web sites link to official social media accounts;
  8. when social media icons are displayed to allow the sharing of Government of Canada content through users’ personal accounts, ensure that a disclaimer is displayed in proximity to the icons, that states that no endorsement of any products or services is expressed or implied;
  9. ensure that the address of the official departmental social media account appears on other communications products, such as television or print;
  10. incorporate mechanisms into on-line services for receiving and acknowledging public feedback;
  11. ensure that information about their external public consultations and citizen engagement activities is posted on their Web sites and information, including Web links, is submitted to the Consulting With Canadians Web site maintained by Service Canada (For further policy direction, see Requirement 9, Consultation and Citizen Engagement.);
  12. respect privacy rights and copyright ownership in all on-line publishing and communication – in compliance with the Privacy Act, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act and the Copyright Act;
  13. ensure that information published on Web sites, prior to posting any changes or updates, is recorded and archived to assure long-term retention and the preservation of institutional memory – with timely and consistent processes for doing so established in consultation with the managers of an institution’s information holdings; and
  14. abide by the Treasury Board’s Policy on the Use of Electronic Networks, Policy on Management of Information Technology, Policy on Information Management, Policy on Government Security and Policy on Privacy Protection.

source: http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pol/doc-eng.aspx?id=12316

Note the Date Modified: 1998-02-24 and the next comment will have the “Replaced By” link…

Rescinded – Policy on the Use of Electronic Networks

This page has been archived.

Archived Content

Information identified as archived on the Web is for reference, research or recordkeeping purposes. It has not been altered or updated after the date of archiving. Web pages that are archived on the Web are not subject to the Government of Canada Web Standards. As per the Communications Policy of the Government of Canada, you can request alternate formats on the “Contact Us” page.

Policy Framework

Related Links:

Legislation and Regulations

Replaced By

source: http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pol/doc-eng.aspx?id=12419

Once again note the Date Modified: 1998-02-24 which does not accurately reflect the actual date modified…

Rescinded – Policy on the Use of Electronic Networks

This policy is replaced by this or these policies

source: http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pol/doc-eng.aspx?id=12419&section=replacedby

Once again the Date Modified: 2014-03-06 does not reflect the correct date of the modification. The “Effective Date” section is as follows and the table of contents are below…

1. Effective Date
1.1 This policy takes effect on October 1, 2013.
1.2 It replaces the Policy on the Use of Electronic Networks of February 12, 1998.
1.3 All policy requirements will be effective October 1, 2013, with the exception of 6.1.3. which will come into effect April 1, 2014.


Policy on Acceptable Network and Device Use
Table of Contents

Table of Contents

1. Effective Date


The Policy on Acceptable Network and Device Use will ensure that employees use Government of Canada electronic networks and devices in an acceptable manner and provide employees with open access to the Internet including Web 2.0 tools and services.

source: http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/pol/doc-eng.aspx?id=27122


The above policy changes noted are something that should be explored and examined immediately as they relate to use of government resources with regards to campaign solicitations and partisan activities.

Remember, politics is a contact sport, like hockey, so please feel free to add quick contributions, observations and relevant information as a comment below!

Contact us if you would like to contribute to our collaborative efforts or would like to share/submit articles, data or additional content, feel free to add feedback, additional info, alternative contact details, related links, articles, anonymous submission, etc. as a comment below, via web-form, through social media outlets or email us directly and confidentially at: dumpharper [at] live [dot] ca

This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. and intend its use to be for education and instructional purposes only. Therefore, we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond “fair use,” you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

ShareAlike Statement: https://dumpharper.wordpress.com/sharealike/

Are #Harper’s Ministers using taxpayers $$$ to Solicit #cdnpoli Election Donations via Social Media?

Follow up 13Mar2014: Is #Harper’s #PMO using taxpayers $$$ to Solicit #cdnpoli Election Donations via Social Media? II

There are even more burning questions that are ever growing and now expanding into a full blown firestorm and we are now demanding immediate answers and actions before any further attempts by the Conservative Party of Canada, aka: Harper Party, at passing, or shall we say ramming, Minister of Democratic Subversion Pierre Poilievre’s so called Fair Elections Act into legislation.

Once again we must ask ourselves a couple of valid questions and below we will once again utilize Twitter to begin our quest and gather more evidence in support of our initial question and summary Is #Harper’s #PMO using taxpayers $$$ to Solicit #cdnpoli Election Donations via Social Media? located here: https://dumpharper.wordpress.com/2014/02/21/is-harpers-pmo-using-taxpayers-to-solicit-cdnpoli-election-donations-via-social-media/. Be sure to participate in our poll.

  1. Are Stephen Harper’s appointed Ministers subverting and/or violating Elections Canada rules by using taxpayers funds to manage and solicit illegal election donations via social media in preparation for 2015?
  2. Why are the Opposition Parties allowing it to happen and not demanding a Regime change and immediate elections?

It is worth noting that not all of Harper’s appointed Ministers are engaging in this actively but it seems as if the majority are. In addition there are several Harper Party Ministers that utilize more than on Twitter account and very few of their profile summaries differentiate between the “official” and personal accounts and most contain links to their campaign websites as opposed to the “official Government of Canada website portals. Below, while not all inclusive, we will provide an overview of Tweets and ReTweets as well as utilizing redirection links that are obfuscated via the bit.ly and is.gd short url services.

In addition we are concerned that the government issued devices that we are paying for, such as Blackberry’s, smartphones, computers, laptops and tablets are being utilized for partisan activities, not to mention the time frames in which they are performing these partisan activities is taking away from necessary ministerial functions. In other words, they are campaigning while siphoning off the dole. So basically they are utilizing “company” time while “on the clock” for personal activities, which in the private sector could and usually are grounds for termination or other disciplinary measures. Below you will find examples of questionable conflicts of interest and please note that majority of the archiving was done 21Feb2014 with a few exceptions and that the images contain text archives from the accounts from as far back as possible.

Chris Alexander @MinChrisA

aka: @calxandr

Chris Alexander does not seem to be utilizing Twitter appropriately but the official profile summary does contain the official Government of Canada web portal link and there is a distinction between the two profiles where his personal account profile summary contains the link to his campaign site.

Archived content from Chris Alexander  @MinChrisA 08Mar2014
Archived content from Chris Alexander

Leona Aglukkaq @leonaaglukkaq

Leona Aglukkaq does not seem to be utilizing Twitter appropriately and her profile summary links to her campaign website not to the official Government of Canada web portal.

Archived content  Leona Aglukkaq @leonaaglukkaq 21Feb201
Archived content from Leona Aglukkaq @leonaaglukkaq

Rona Ambrose @MinRonaAmbrose

Rona Ambrose does not seem to be utilizing Twitter appropriately but her profile summary does link to the official Government of Canada web portal.

Archived content from Rona Ambrose @MinRonaAmbrose 21Feb2014
Archived content from Rona Ambrose


John Baird @HonJohnBaird

aka: @JohnBairdOWN

John Baird is not utilizing Twitter appropriately and his profile summary links to his campaign website not to the official Government of Canada web portal.

Archived content from John Baird @HonJohnBaird 21Feb2014
Archived content from John Baird @HonJohnBaird


Steven Blaney @MinStevenBlaney

Steven Blaney is not utilizing Twitter appropriately and his profile summary links to his campaign website.

Archived content from Steven Blaney @MinStevenBlaney 21Feb2014
Archived content from Steven Blaney @MinStevenBlaney


Tony Clement @TonyclementCPC

Tony Clement seems to be utilizing Twitter appropriately and his profile summary does link to the official Government of Canada web portal

 Archived content Tony Clement @TonyclementCPC 21Feb2014
Archived content from Tony Clement @TonyclementCPC

Julian Fantino @JulianFantino

Julian Fantino is not utilizing Twitter appropriately and his profile summary links to his campaign website and not the official Government of Canada web portal.

Archived content Julian Fantino @JulianFantino 21Feb2014
Archived content from Julian Fantino @JulianFantino

Jim Flaherty @JimFlaherty

Jim Flaherty seems to be utilizing Twitter appropriately and his profile summary contains the official Government of Canada web portal.

Archived content from  Jim Flaherty @JimFlaherty 21Feb2014
Archived content from Jim Flaherty @JimFlaherty

Archived content from Jim Flaherty @JimFlaherty

Shelly Glover @ShellyGloverMIN

aka: @ShellyGloverMP

Shelly Glover is not utilizing Twitter appropriately and her profile summary links to her campaign website and not the official Government of Canada web portal.

Archived content from Shelly Glover @ShellyGloverMIN 21Feb2014
Archived content from Shelly Glover @ShellyGloverMIN

Jason Kenney ‏@kenneyjason

Jason Kenney is not utilizing Twitter appropriately and his profile summary links to his campaign website and not the official Government of Canada web portal.

Archived content from Jason Kenney @kenneyjason 21Feb2014
Archived content from Jason Kenney @kenneyjason

Peter MacKay @MinPeterMacKay

aka: @MacKayCPC

Peter MacKay is not utilizing Twitter appropriately and while and there is a distinction between his campaign account that is no longer in use on the official Government of Canada account his profile summary links to his campaign website.

Archived content Peter MacKay @MinPeterMacKay 21Feb2014
Archived content from Peter MacKay @MinPeterMacKay

James Moore @JamesMoore_org

James Moore is not utilizing Twitter appropriately and his profile summary links to his campaign website and not the official Government of Canada web portal.

Archived content James Moore @JamesMoore_org 21Feb2014
Archived content from James Moore @JamesMoore_org


Rob Nicholson @HonRobNicholson

Rob Nicholson is not utilizing Twitter appropriately and his profile summary does link to the official Government of Canada web portal.

Archived content Rob Nicholson @HonRobNicholson 21Feb2014
Archived content from Rob Nicholson @HonRobNicholson

Joe Oliver @joeoliver1

Joe Oliver is not utilizing Twitter appropriately and his profile summary does link to the official Government of Canada web portal.

Archived content  Joe Oliver @joeoliver1 21Feb2014
Archived content from Joe Oliver @joeoliver1

Pierre Poilievre @PierrePoilievre

Pierre Poilievre does not seem to be utilizing Twitter appropriately and his profile summary does not contain a link to the official Government of Canada web portal.

Archived content PierrePoilievre @PierrePoilievre 21Feb2014
Archived content from PierrePoilievre @PierrePoilievre

Lisa Raitt @lraitt

Lisa Raitt is not utilizing Twitter appropriately and her profile summary links to her campaign website and not the official Government of Canada web portal.

Archived content Lisa Raitt @lraitt 21Feb2014
Archived content from Lisa Raitt @lraitt

Kevin Sorenson @MinKSorenson

Kevin Sorenson is not utilizing Twitter appropriately but his profile summary does link to the official Government of Canada web portal.

Kevin Sorenson @MinKSorenson 21Feb2014
Archived content from Kevin Sorenson @MinKSorenson


Michelle Rempel @MichelleRempel

Michelle Rempel is not utilizing Twitter appropriately and her profile summary links to her campaign website and not the official Government of Canada web portal.

Archived content MichelleRempel @MichelleRempel 21Feb2014
Archived content from MichelleRempel @MichelleRempel


Bernard Valcourt @Min_BValcourt

Bernard Valcourt is not utilizing Twitter appropriately and his profile summary links to his campaign website and not the official Government of Canada web portal.

Archived content Bernard Valcourt @Min_BValcourt 21Feb2014
Archived content from Bernard Valcourt @Min_BValcourt



Lynne Yelich @Lynne_Yelich

Lynne Yelich seems to be utilizing Twitter appropriately but her profile summary does not contain a link to the official Government of Canada web portal.

Archived content  Lynne Yelich @Lynne_Yelich 21Feb201
Archived content from Lynne Yelich @Lynne_Yelich

Remember, politics is a contact sport, like hockey, so please feel free to add quick contributions, observations and relevant information as a comment below!

Contact us if you would like to contribute to our collaborative efforts or would like to share/submit articles, data or additional content, feel free to add feedback, additional info, alternative contact details, related links, articles, anonymous submission, etc. as a comment below, via web-form, through social media outlets or email us directly and confidentially at: dumpharper [at] live [dot] ca

This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. and intend its use to be for education and instructional purposes only. Therefore, we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond “fair use,” you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

ShareAlike Statement: https://dumpharper.wordpress.com/sharealike/

#Harper’s 33 #cdnpoli Vulnerable #CPC #Tory Targets

33 Vulnerable Tory Targets

Dispersed, disorganized, and focused on mixed concerns, veterans make a weak political demographic. Due to the variety of challenges veterans face, and unlike the general public, are rarely politically apathetic.  The primary strength of veterans is a willingness to vote.  Most veterans that I have spoken to ensure they vote in federal and other elections but veterans cannot be labeled as politically powerful – unless we take advantage of the politically weak.

The current government has taken advantage of the fractured and disjointed nature of veterans.  With the exceptions of the SISIP and EQUITAS sponsored lawsuits the government has been very effective in blunting veteran concerns.  Using paid media spots and “Stakeholder” consultations to validate their choices, the government of the day has been successful at frustrating veteran efforts to bring about meaningful change. The Tory majority government has steamrolled over veteran concerns.

The shoe is now on the other foot.  The Hill Times has provided a list of 33 vulnerable Tory targets who won their riding by less than 10%.  The Tory majority is vulnerable and veterans need to take advantage of this opportunity.

Veterans do have powerful allies.  Matthew Good is concerned with suicides and PTSD.  Rick Mercer is unrelenting in his criticism of how veterans are “kicked to the curb”.  There are other high profile persons that support us.  Contact them and ask them to step forward and publicly chastise the government for their failures.

Our weakness of being geographically dispersed is a hidden strength: we can have our voices heard across the country – especially in the ridings of the vulnerable 33.  Active veterans can contribute to the political “death by a thousand cuts” of the Tory politicians. Simply put, inform the public of the variety of challenges that veterans face.  Individual veterans can (and should) make their voices heard in the both the traditional and non-traditional media throughout 2014.

Below, arranged alphabetically by last name, is a list of the 33 vulnerable.  Speak publically and make an appearance on radio or TV.  If you have a face made for radio and a voice designed for duck calls I suggest blogging, editorials, letter writing or “information pickets” outside the MPs office.

2014 is the time for individuals to put pressure on these 33 vulnerable Tories.

Targets up!

Eve Adams (Mississauga-Brampton South, ON.)
Chris Alexander (Ajax-Pickering, ON.)
Stella Ambler (Mississauga South, ON.)
Jay Aspin (Nipissing-Timiskaming, ON.)
Joyce Bateman (Winnipeg South Centre, MN.)
Kelly Block (Saskatoon-Rosetown-Biggar, SK.)
Ray Boughen (Palliser, SK.)
Brad Butt (Mississauga-Streetsville, ON.)
Peter Braid (Kitchener-Waterloo, ON.)
John Carmichael (Don Valley West, ON.)
Corneliu Chisu (Pickering-Scarborough East, ON.)
Rob Clark (Desnethé-Missinippi-Churchill River, SK.)
Joe Daniel (Don Valley East, ON.)
John Duncan (Vancouver Island North, BC)
Royal Galipeau (Ottawa-Orléans, ON.)
Robert Goguen (Moncton-Riverview-Dieppe, NB)
Bal Gosal (Bramalea-Gore-Malton, ON.)
Jacques Gourde (Lotbinière-Chutes-de-la-Chaudière, QU.)
Bryan Hayes (Sault Ste. Marie, ON.)
Roxanne James (Scarborough Centre, ON)
Gerald Keddy (South Shore-St. Margaret’s,NS)
Chungsen Leung (Willowdale, ON)
Wladyslaw Lizon (Mississauga East-Cooksville, ON)
James Lunney (Nanaimo-Alberni, BC)
Costas Menegakis (Richmond Hill, ON)
Joe Oliver (Eglinton-Lawrence, ON)
Ted Opitz (Etobicoke Centre, ON)
Lawrence Toet (Elmwood-Transcona, MN)
Susan Truppe (London North Centre, ON)
Bernard Trottier (Etobicoke Lakeshore, ON)
Bernard Valcourt (Madawaska-Restigouche, NB)
Wai Young (Vancouver South, BC)

Originally posted on Veteran Watch by David T. MacLeod at Tuesday, 10 December 2013 at 12:26

“We do not believe any group of men adequate enough or wise enough to operate without scrutiny or without criticism. We know that the only way to avoid error is to detect it, that the only way to detect it is to be free to enquire. We know that the wages of secrecy are corruption. We know that in secrecy error, undetected, will flourish and subvert.” ~ Julius Robert Oppenheimer

continue reading source: http://veteranwatch.blogspot.ca/2013/12/33-vulnerable-tory-targets.html

Remember, politics is a contact sport, like hockey, so please feel free to add quick contributions, observations and relevant information as a comment below!

Contact us if you would like to contribute to our collaborative efforts or would like to share/submit articles, data or additional content, feel free to add feedback, additional info, alternative contact details, related links, articles, anonymous submission, etc. as a comment below, via web-form, through social media outlets or email us directly and confidentially at: dumpharper [at] live [dot] ca

This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. and intend its use to be for education and instructional purposes only. Therefore, we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond “fair use,” you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

ShareAlike Statement: https://dumpharper.wordpress.com/sharealike/