
The latest and greatest news, speeches, videos, transcripts, archives, propaganda, information and upside down views of the Harper Regime about Immigration and Immigrants “place” in Canada. Please remember, information is a contact sport, like hockey, so feel free to add contributions and relevant information as a comment below! Contact us if you would like to contribute to our collaborative efforts or would like to share/submit articles, data or additional content…

Explore: Immigration

Featured Issue: Immigration

Statement from Muhammed Sillah: Exposing CBSA Immigration Detention and Immigration Holding Centre (CIHC) #JusticeforSillah – Muhammed has been reporting to both CBSA and the Toronto Bail Program (no criminal record), since October 2011 when he filed for protection. He has complied 100% with any appointments/requirements put on him on a weekly/monthly basis, which was to also attend a meeting with CBSA on May 29th, 2013 with his wife. In the meeting the officer explained a program to give Muhammed $2,000 to blend back into the Gambian society, and Muhammed refused because his life is not equivalent to any compensation from the Canadian government. The officer asked Muhammed and his wife to “wait a minute” while the officer “went to get the form for Muhammed to sign to pull out of the program”, when she returned, she asked Muhammed and his wife to meet her in room 7, where two CBSA officers closed the door behind them and asked Muhammed to face the wall while they frisked him, then to put his hands behind his back, and at that point arrested him. The reason given was because his status has “run out”.

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Canadians Against the Harper Regime [CAHR] Collective Research Collaboration