#CBC Propaganda Challenge 5: #Harper vs #cdnpoli vs #Ukraine vs #Russia vs #NATO

Well friends, it seems as if CBC News has either completely lost all credibility and gone “yellow” or the staffing and budget cuts are seriously preventing them from actually conducting investigative journalism at all. We are of coarse referring to the “coverage,” or lack thereof, regarding the “Crisis in Ukraine” as they call it. While there are a couple of rather rare occasions these days, the vast majority of any/all “reports” being published via the interwebz and/or broadcasted via the Network are works of speculative fiction. Not sure if the scripts they are given are prepared too far in advance or they just do NOT care about journalistic integrity or maybe they are being pressured to conceal pertinent facts.

For those first time visitors that may not have reviewed our previous summary exposes and for those casual and regular visitors, you will get a better idea of why we need to DumpHarper! This is part 5 of our “propaganda challenge” issued to to the CBC News, which is a follow up to our original dicovery and subsequent connection to the Harper Regime a couple of weeks later. The basic premise and objective is to point out how the CBC News is engaging directly with the Harper Regime and the Opposition in a rather dubious and deceptive subversive information manipulation campaign against “We the People” of Canada. One that will not only cost us hundreds of millions of dollars at the least, but may well cost unknown numbers of lives and limbs if it proceeds unchallenged.

Sadly, one does not even need to “choose” a side in this multi-pronged manufactured civil war to realize that something is just not right and something is definitely rotten. At last count we have noticed there are at least a half dozen sides battling it out in Eastern Ukraine from several factions. Not counting the various Nations States and their “covert” black-ops and destabilization teams, there are several groups of paid mercenaries, oligarch and capitalist funded paramilitary groups, several “volunteer” battalions blended in with the Ukrainian Military, Novorossiyan Armed Forces and of coarse the local populations attempting to salvage their home, businesses and communities. All of these combined equate to the equivalent of 2 (two) sides, Pro-Kiev and Anti-Kiev.

At this point it is rather hard to tell “who” Kiev actually represents, it certainly is not interested in well being of ordinary Ukrainians from either side of the West/East divide since they are conscripting those from the West to fight against those in the East. One thing that is certain is that the criminal banksters, speculative investors, Military Industrial Complex and Media Propaganda Complex is benefiting immensely from this tragedy.

Moving forward a bit, it should be noted that yesterdays propaganda piece did not have comments enabled for some reason or another and we speculated to why this occurred in yesterdays summary. We might ponder that this was due to it being a Sunday within a long weekend, but that does not jive considering other articles published did have comment threads open for discussion and/or debate. We can safely assUme that this is because there were a lot of fast moving developments that they did NOT want to be mentioned, nor discussed, publicly within the CBC Community. In other words, the entire Kiev and Harper Regime vote pandering narrative about the glorious ATO victories have seemingly vanished into the abyss. if any of the reports from independent observers are correct at all, Kiev has pretty much lost their manufactured war and are in full damage control mode. This observation is not really speculation at all, it is a simple fact. All one needs to do is traverse the Twittersphere, independent sources and social media to fill in the blanks of what is oddly missing from the following CBC “article” and the other MSM articles of the day. It should be duly noted that it seems as if this mornings article has attempted to fill in a couple of the holes,but we’ll delve into that one, and any other that may cross the “wire” later tonight or tomorrow depending on the “timing” of the last update(s).

Moving forward further to the point, this summary really has only one “article” to present, since there was only one directly related article published, and subsequently updated, as the day progressed yesterday. While there was another “related” article that does fill in some of the blanks, we’ll simply post that one further down so that you may came to your own conclusions. It should be noted that since the “article” we are presenting is the only one published and it was provided via a “wire” service (as usual), we took it upon ourselves to dig into the source and follow it around the interwebz to see how it was presented abroad as a comparison study of sorts. You might be surprised at the difference between the original, what we were presented and what was presented in other online publications.

As always, we will present the basic general info within a numbered list that will include the title, author, posted and last updated time-stamps plus the shares and url at the time of the page snapshots that follow the list. Please note that this really is the same article and was drastically changed as you can plainly see.

Article Titles and General Details

  1. NEW Ukraine, Russia swap soldiers as Putin says only ‘political will’ in Kyiv can end crisis
    Thomson Reuters
    Posted: Aug 31, 2014 7:34 AM ET | Last Updated: Aug 31, 2014 7:37 AM ET
  2. Vladimir Putin calls for talks on ‘statehood’ in southeast Ukraine
    Statements seen as support for pro-Russia rebels’ bid for independence from Ukraine
    Thomson Reuters
    Posted: Aug 31, 2014 7:34 AM ET | Last Updated: Aug 31, 2014 12:52 PM ET
  3. Vladimir Putin calls for talks on ‘statehood’ in southeast Ukraine
    Statements seen as support for pro-Russia rebels’ bid for independence from Ukraine
    Thomson Reuters
    Posted: Aug 31, 2014 7:34 AM ET | Last Updated: Aug 31, 2014 8:24 PM ET

Article Snapshots

Comparison Articles

Below you will find the original source article along with a few other articles that were republished. Notice how they differ from the version CBC news presented.

Stupidest Tweet of the Day

We felt the need to update this summary article after noticing this tw**t from Margaret Evans of the CBC especially after it was retw**ted by @CBCWorldReport. Not sure if they are really that stupid, but if they seem to have missed their own articles and reports over the past several months. Nice that she @ mentioned the Fogh of War. Maybe she will be nominated for the Captain Obvious award?

Further Research

Since there is a very important meeting scheduled for today, here is very relevant and important press conference that you should definitely watch for some additional background information that you might not otherwise be made aware of:

Press Conference – Formation of a state – 24 Aug 2014

This is a thorough press conference by Alexander V. Zakharchenko, Chairman of The Council of Ministers of The Donetsk National Republic. It touches upon a few key points regarding the war, its origins and what and whom Kiev is fighting.

The possibility of Federalization is also discarded as irrelevant as that ship had certainly sailed. This is a fight for independence now.

France Saker
Published on Aug 26, 2014
Subtitles in english, french, german
Transcription/Translation/Timecoding: Marina
English proofreading and editing: Erebus,Michael and Vaughan
Editing and Publishing: Augmented Ether
French Translation & Editing: Jean-Jacques
German Translation & Editing : Dagmar


Below you will find a few sources that will provide you the opportunity to view information from reliable alternative viewpoints that you never view from the CBC or any other Canadian MSM conglomerate, outlet or “wire” service provider.

Vineyard of the Saker
A bird’s eye view of the Vineyard

Rock Solid Politics @BradCabana
Political Scientist, Retired Captain -Canadian Armed Forces. Believer in the free human spirit. Commentator on local, national, and international politics.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BradCabana
Website: http://rocksolidpolitics.blogspot.ae

Gleb Bazov @gbazov
There is no other way forward but to take a stand. If we don’t save the helpless, what are we good for.
Novorossiya Translation Requests: http://wp.me/P4KUOt-aX
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/slavyangrad
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gbazov
Website: http://slavyangrad.org

Bonus Article

Let the looting begin!

To be continued…



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