Tag Archives: U.S. intelligence

Spy case remains shrouded in secrecy

Ottawa reluctant to point fingers at Russians

May 22, 2012 – 4:10am By MURRAY BREWSTER The Canadian Press

OTTAWA — The Harper government had a host of military and possibly commercial reasons for not blaming and shaming Russia in the aftermath of an embarrassing spy scandal involving a junior intelligence officer, a series of internal briefings suggest.

The case of Sub-Lt. Jeffery Delisle, which exploded across the front pages in January, has largely disappeared into a black hole of secrecy and court-ordered silence that even a Wall Street Journal story failed to dislodge last spring.

The New York-based publication recently quoted U.S. intelligence sources saying Delisle’s breach in communications secrets was roughly as big in volume as the notorious U.S. data loss to WikiLeaks.

Yet, the Harper government has remained mute, even in the face of suggestions the case caused a major rift with Washington.

continue reading: http://thechronicleherald.ca/novascotia/98831-spy-case-remains-shrouded-in-secrecy

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