Tag Archives: Svoboda Party

Oleksandr Aronets: Svoboda Party and #Ukraine’s Freedom of the Press 18Mar2014 #cdnpoli

This event was confirmed by Amnesty International and NBC News. For more perspective, it is also worth noting that the confirmations were published after this article was originally published (19Mar2014 at 06:45am) and the companion video was uploaded (19Mar2014 at 07:21am).

On 18 March 2014 several prominent members of Ukraine’s Svoboda (Freedom) Party stormed the office of Aleksandr Panteleymonov, interim CEO of the public broadcaster National Television Company of Ukraine (NTU).

Declaring to be from the Freedom of Speech and Information Committee, the group yelled and beat Mr. Panteleymonov while accusing the channel of a lack of nationalism and for broadcasting unfavorable criticisms during the Maidan protests. They then collectively and forcefully demanded him to write a letter of resignation over allegations that the channel lied and aired anti-Ukrainian content.

Svoboda Party Media and Public Relations Manager Oleksandr Aronets posted a photo of the resignation letter along with a message on his official Facebook page and published a video on his “official” PR website Svoye.TV, that has since been taken down.

The source and screengrabs of the original post as well as a roughly translated version along with an archived mirror of the video are located below:

“Gently asked the head of the First National Panteleimon write a resignation letter. During Yanukovych was initially Deputy Benkendorf information policy, that person zombuvav Ukrainian and urged that pakraschennya already occurred and when men killed, showing series of Rusko army, and last year was the head of the channel” (translated version)

"Gently asked the head of the First National Panteleimon write a resignation letter. During Yanukovych was initially Deputy Benkendorf information policy, that person zombuvav Ukrainian and urged that pakraschennya already occurred and when men killed, showing series of Rusko army, and last year was the head of the channel" 18Mar2014 (translated)
“Gently asked the head of the First National Panteleimon write a resignation letter. During Yanukovych was initially Deputy Benkendorf information policy, that person zombuvav Ukrainian and urged that pakraschennya already occurred and when men killed, showing series of Rusko army, and last year was the head of the channel”
18Mar2014 (translated)

source: https://www.facebook.com/oleksandr.aronets/posts/756650354347089

“Лагідно попросили керівника Першого національного Пантелеймонова написати заяву про відставку. За часів януковича спочатку був заступником бенкендорфа з інформаційної політики, тобто особисто зомбував українців і переконував що пакращення вже наступило і коли людей вбивали, показував серіали про руску армію, а останній рік був керівником телеканалу” (original)

"Лагідно попросили керівника Першого національного Пантелеймонова написати заяву про відставку. За часів януковича спочатку був заступником бенкендорфа з інформаційної політики, тобто особисто зомбував українців і переконував що пакращення вже наступило і коли людей вбивали, показував серіали про руску армію, а останній рік був керівником телеканалу" 18Mar2014 (original)
“Лагідно попросили керівника Першого національного Пантелеймонова написати заяву про відставку. За часів януковича спочатку був заступником бенкендорфа з інформаційної політики, тобто особисто зомбував українців і переконував що пакращення вже наступило і коли людей вбивали, показував серіали про руску армію, а останній рік був керівником телеканалу”
18Mar2014 (original)

source: https://www.facebook.com/oleksandr.aronets/posts/756650354347089

Oleksandr Aronets: Svoboda Party and #Ukraine’s Freedom of the Press 18Mar2014 #cdnpoli [Video]


Points to Ponder

We would like everyone to take a break from the msm narrative, invest a few moments of your time and pay attention to something. This situation is more important that it may appear for several reasons, many of which may not yet be clear, but we’ll try to clarify it for ya and we hope ya share it.

The first point we will make is that, no matter what anyone tells ya, this ain’t no Russian propaganda, this is pure Svoboda Party propaganda directly from their Media Relations and they have seemingly become emboldened beyond the pale.

The second point to ponder, and this is not to say that our own media conglomerates are independent from the PMO in their “reporting” of this manufactured crisis abroad, would be for us to just imagine what this would mean if this happened right here in Canada and how it would affect our daily lives.

The third and final point we need to ponder, for now, may seem a bit more simple yet it’s utterly complicated if we take into consideration that our media is “reporting” from Ukraine, many of our fellow Canadians are traveling to and fro and the Harper Regime just doled out 1/4 of a billion of our $$$’s…


#cdnpoli: Meet #Ukraine’s Svoboda Party #GPC #NDP #LPC #CPC: https://dumpharper.wordpress.com/2014/03/03/cdnpoli-meet-ukraines-svoboda-party-gpc-ndp-lpc-cpc/

Oleksandr Aronets: Let’s keep calm, and prepare for the war! 01Mar2014
Oleksandr AronetsLet’s keep calm, and prepare for the war!
Repost from Svoboda:
All members of Svoboda who can fight for their country must obey orders issued during the time when martial law is in effect in Ukraine. Please stay at your cities of residence and arrive promptly to the Recruiting Stations once mobilization is announced. Help Ukrainian Army in any way you can! We will prevail! Glory to the Ukraine!



Ukraine: Nationalist MP launches brutal attack against TV executive 19 March 2014
Ukraine: Nationalist MP launches brutal attack against TV executive
19 March 2014

reference: http://www.amnesty.org/en/news/oleksandr-panteleymonov-first-channel-attack-2014-03-19

Far-Right Ukrainian Lawmaker Assaults State TV Boss - NBC News' Alexander Smith First published March 19 2014, 10:01 AM
Far-Right Ukrainian Lawmaker Assaults State TV Boss

– NBC News’ Alexander Smith

First published March 19 2014, 10:01 AM

reference: http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/ukraine-crisis/far-right-ukrainian-lawmaker-assaults-state-tv-boss-n56786

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