Tag Archives: protectionism

Canada blocks $5.2 billion Petronas bid for Progress Energy

By Euan Rocha and Stuart Grudgings
TORONTO/KUALA LUMPUR | Sat Oct 20, 2012 7:57pm EDT

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Motorists pump natural gas at a Petronas station in Kuala Lumpur July 1, 2010. REUTERS/Bazuki Muhammad
Motorists pump natural gas at a Petronas station in Kuala Lumpur July 1, 2010. REUTERS/Bazuki Muhammad

(Reuters) – Canada has blocked Malaysian state oil firm Petronas’ C$5.17 billion ($5.2 billion) bid for gas producer Progress Energy Resources in a surprise move that could signal problems for a much larger Chinese deal in the country’s energy sector.

Canada’s announcement late on Friday, minutes before a deadline, was a blow to Petronas, whose domestic oil supplies are shrinking and which has been seeking to boost its resources beyond Malaysia and volatile areas such as Sudan.

It also raises doubts over Chinese oil group CNOOC’s C$15.1 billion offer for oil producer Nexen and could weigh on other Canadian firms hoping for foreign investment to tap their vast energy reserves.

A rejection of the CNOOC bid would likely damage trade ties Canada has been trying to build with China, underlining political sensitivity to Chinese corporate expansion in North America.

“I have sent a notice letter to Petronas indicating that I am not satisfied that the proposed investment is likely to be of net benefit to Canada,” Industry Minister Christian Paradis said in a statement.

continue reading source: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/10/20/us-progress-petronas-idUSBRE89J02X20121020

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