Tag Archives: Canada-Europe Comprehensive and Economic Trade Agreement

#Harper’s #Ukraine Delegation Hid 3rd Party Sniper Facts from #cdnpoli #CPC #GPC #NDP #LPC

On 05 March 2014 the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that the leaked phone conversation between Estonia’s Foreign Minister Urmas Paet and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton on 26 February 2014, that was previously posted online, was accurate and the call had indeed taken place. This information should have been known by the Harper Delegation as the phone conversation was days before they arrived. If they were not informed then there are some serious questions that they should be demanding from Catherine Ashton and their allies within the EU/NATO as well as Russia and deescalating the situation immediately. If Harper, or anyone else in the delegation was aware of this, then we have some issues of our own and we should begin the process of removing them from office immediately, conduction a criminal investigation and calling for immediate elections.

This conversation revealed that there was 3rd party involvement which implies that the ousting of the former President may not be legitimate and the new interim government may be illegitimate based upon the Constitution of Ukraine. There seems to be sufficient evidence that indicates that someone within the opposition coalition leadership was directly involved in the sniper shootings that killed and wounded civilian protesters as well as the riot police forces. Keep in mind that these snipers were initially attributed directly to the President, which led to the rapid escalation of violence that killed and wounded many more Ukrainians. This escalation and assumption of guilt placed great pressures the Parliament into hastily forming the new interim government without conducting a thorough investigation.

It is with great disgust, displeasure, disappointment and sadness that we have to provide these troubling revelations about what has been hidden behind the scenes regarding the truth about the escalation of violence in Ukraine against the People of Ukraine that were protesting corruption, fraud and abuse of power by the Yanukovych Regime. The most troubling aspect is how the contemptuous, corrupt and fraudulent Harper Government has once again abused their own power in order to mislead the People of Canada, in lockstep with their EU/NATO allies, with their escalating rhetoric and inflammatory war mongering in order to target Vladimir Putin, whom we are no fan of. It is also of great concern to us how this has adversely affected the diverse minorities and Russian speaking Peoples of Ukraine.

In addition, due to the serious implications and the long term ramifications, we are sickened and disgusted by the utter lack of integrity by the yellow journalists, cowardly caucus members and the controlled Opposition Party’s, as these revelations should have been researched further and reported more accurately by the media conglomerates at CBC, CTV, Global and Postmedia, but it has become crystal clear that they lack integrity and/or the necessary skills to be trusted.

Let’s all be honest and just call a spade a spade and face the hard facts and realities, real people have been unnecessarily killed, wounded and displaced, millions upon millions of dollars in damages have needlessly inflicted by 3rd parties with arterial motives and profiteering in mind and this is just the beginning as the real People of Ukraine will have to pay the costs and will only be forced to suffer under the rule of another set of corrupt oligarchs and capitalists.

So now we shall begin to explore a conversation between Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton regarding Ukraine snipers and the new government, now that we know what Harper’s delegation to Ukraine was trying to hide.

This call that has been suspiciously concealed from the public reveals the ugly truth that the same 3rd party snipers were involved in the shooting and killing of both police and protesters. In the leaked call Minister Paet explains that the violence is still an ongoing issue of great concern. They they also discussed their impressions of what is happening in the country as the “revolution” is unfolding and the extreme pressures that were being exerted on the Ukrainian Parliament by uninvited visitors during the night and concerns about potential for retaliation in connection to President Viktor Yanukovych’s former chief of staff Andriy Klyuyev being publicly shot and beaten in front of the Parliament building by gunmen on the streets.

Minister Paet also revealed astonishing information and details about photos and evidence that the same type of bullets were used in the killing of both innocent civilians and riot police officers in Kiev. He also stated that this confirms the rumours that the third party snipers were not loyalists connected to President Viktor Yanukovych, but were employed by somebody within the new coalition leadership.

If that wasn’t enough, the most damning revelation is that the newly formed Opposition Government cannot be trusted as due to their own dirty pasts and that it is clear that, not only has the violence not deescalated, but the opposition leadership has not fulfilled their side of the agreement that was signed with President Viktor Yanukovych on 21 February 2014, that required the immediate disarmament of all protesters with illegal weapons.

It was also discussed that it is extremely disturbing that the coalition leadership does not seem interested in properly investigating what actually happen regarding the 3rd party snipers and seem to be preventing the administering of justice and accountability. Minister Paet goes on to state that these striking revelations actually discredit the newly formed opposition leadership from the beginning and that they are also not trusted by People of Ukraine.

The Press Release

On the Telephone Conversation between Foreign Minister Paet and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Catherine Ashton

The recording of a telephone conversation between Foreign Minister Urmas Paet and High Representative Catherine Ashton that has been leaked online is authentic.

The conversation between Paet and Ashton took place on 26 February after the Estonian Foreign Minister’s return from his visit to Ukraine. His visit took place last week, soon after the end of street violence in Kiev.

Foreign Minister Paet was giving an overview of what he had heard the previous day in Kiev and expressed concern over the situation on the ground. We reject the claim that Paet was giving an assessment of the opposition’s involvement in the violence.

`It is extremely regrettable that phone calls are being intercepted,’ said Paet. ’The fact that this phone call has been leaked is not a coincidence,’ added Paet.

Dear journalists!

Today, at 5 pm Foreign Minister Urmas Paet is answering journalist´s questions in the Foreign Ministry.

Please enter through the guest entrance, Lauteri 2.

637 7654
533 66 159


The Phone Call


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It is #cdnpoli clear that the #Harper #CPC is…

Having trouble managing and censoring their agenda and Facebook Page propaganda? Let’s check it out…

We’re removing some of the barriers that hold businesses back from growing and creating jobs. Sign your support: http://www.conservative.ca/FreeTrade
We’re removing some of the barriers that hold businesses back from growing and creating jobs. Sign your support: http://www.conservative.ca/FreeTrade :oʇoɥd

continue reading source:https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151954566742110&set=a.410445882109.207942.9106562109&type=3&theater

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P3s: Harper takes Canadians down a risky road

By Emma Lui
October 15, 2012

In today’s Globe and Mail article, The hidden price of public-private partnerships, Barrie McKenna highlights the risks of Public-private partnerships (P3s): As McKenna notes, “Disturbing new research highlights some serious flaws in how governments tally the benefits of public-private partnerships versus conventional projects. Too little is known about how these contracts work, who benefits and who pays.”

The new research was a study of 28 Ontario P3 projects worth more than $7-billion. The article that highlights that “University of Toronto assistant professor Matti Siemiatycki and researcher Naeem Farooqi found that public-private partnerships cost an average of 16 per cent more than conventional tendered contracts. That’s mainly because private borrowers typically pay higher interest rates than governments. Transaction costs for lawyers and consultants also add about 3 per cent to the final bill.”

McKenna warns P3s are just too risky: “Without putting a fair price on risk, taxpayers will never know whether P3s are any cheaper than building things the conventional way. Set the value too high, and P3s become vehicles for governments to subsidize inflated profits of powerful and well-connected contractors and financial institutions.

He concludes that “Notwithstanding these red flags, Ottawa and the provinces continue to embrace the public-private model. P3 Canada Inc., Ottawa’s $1.24-billion P3 fund, has sunk more than $300-million into various projects since the summer.”

PPP Canada became operational in February 2009 and has a total of $1.24 billion to allocate under the P3 Canada Fund. PPP Canada explicitly promotes privatization of public services by only providing funding to P3s in water and wastewater, transportation and communications. In water and wastewater services, PPP Canada has approved funding for the Lac La Biche Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) Wastewater Treatment Facility in Alberta ($3.8 milllion) and the Evan Thomas Water and Wastewater Plant in Kananaskis Country, Alberta ($9.95 million).

PPP Canada states that the P3 fund was created “to improve the delivery of public infrastructure and provide better value, timeliness and accountability by increasing the effective use of P3.” However, P3s in Canada have been found to be more costly and as the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives notes “a string of failures, delays, little transparency, and secretive deals proved these claims wrong.”

A proposed P3 plan for water services was defeated in Abbotsford because of public opposition.

This week the House of Commons operations committee will continue hearings on P3s and as McKenna puts it is “stacked with witnesses who like them.”

This week is also the week of final negotiations of the Canada-Europe Comprehensive and Economic Trade Agreement this week which could open municipalities in Canada up to European water corporations and put our public water services at risk to privatization.

To learn how to fight CETA, visit our Trade campaign webpage.
To learn about the Blue Communities Project and how to keep your municipal water services public, click here.

continue reading source: http://rabble.ca/blogs/bloggers/making-waves/2012/10/p3s-harper-takes-canadians-down-risky-road

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