Oleksandr Aronets: Let’s keep calm, and prepare for the war! 01Mar2014

Oleksandr Aronets: Let’s keep calm, and prepare for the war! 01Mar2014

Oleksandr Aronets
Let’s keep calm, and prepare for the war!

Repost from Svoboda:
All members of Svoboda who can fight for their country must obey orders issued during the time when martial law is in effect in Ukraine. Please stay at your cities of residence and arrive promptly to the Recruiting Stations once mobilization is announced. Help Ukrainian Army in any way you can! We will prevail! Glory to the Ukraine!

Here is a screengrab of a post by Oleksandr Aronets from yesterday (the text and link will be included below) who is one of the most popular Maidan protesters that provided much of the live-streams and blog posts and commentaries that the msm picked up.

Let’s keep calm, and prepare for the war!

Repost from Svoboda:
All members of Svoboda who can fight for their country must obey orders issued during the time when martial law is in effect in Ukraine. Please stay at your cities of residence and arrive promptly to the Recruiting Stations once mobilization is announced. Help Ukrainian Army in any way you can! We will prevail! Glory to the Ukraine!

There are many more questions we need to consider and explore and none of these questions have been addressed nor answered by either the PMO or their delegation to Ukraine. We do know that Svoboda will yield such powers to implement martial law and the Right Sector has the power to wage war. We also know that neo-nazi’s are flooding into Ukraine from all over Europe along with fighters returning from Syria.

What war are they preparing for and who will be implementing this martial law in Ukraine?

While the post itself is troubling enough, something odd pops up when attempting to do further research about him outside the book of faces considering there are several fairly recent articles that can be found on the interwebz that reference him as an MP with the Opposition Svoboda Party. While many of those posts are anti-Yanukovych and anti-Putin, which are understandable, many others seem to be anti-Russian, anti-immigrant, anti-minority and so on.

Is he a simple activist, protester, blogger and live-streamer or something else entirely?

Another issue comes to the forefront and that is how/why all of a sudden he begins to include English into his posts and commentaries on his book of faces page towards the end of last November. This may seem logical considering his live-streams and posts obviously needed to reach a broader audience.

The problem is that before that he has a lot of previuos posts in his native language that seem to be rather supportive of the plight of the Golden Dawn Party in Greece. This is also very troublesome since both parties have been labeled as neo-nazi’s and fascist by almost every group and organization that has researched and reported about them and their activities, but both parties view themselves as nationalist.

Surely we do not have all of the answers, but we do know at least 3 things:

1 – If the Harper Regime does have the answers, they have been very deceptive and opaque in providing them and are hiding something rather sinister.

2 – The media conglomerates are complicit and have not done their job of independent research and reporting for some nefarious reasons.

3 – The independence and sovereignty of Ukraine has been lost, or shall we say given away to the IMF and globalists for pennies on the Hryvna, period.

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